K-LOVE Pastors: Dating In A Hookup Culture (+podcast)

Wednesday, May 15 2019 by K-LOVE Closer Look Pastors/Marya Morgan

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Millions of Americans remain unmarried even as dating apps expand with new members who desire romantic partners. “Today’s thing is more of a hookup culture,” notes Pastor Josey. “A lot of men and women are really kind of confused on how to even have a relationship.” Pastor Bill agrees. Finding a compatible match can be a serious challenge. “Most opposites attract, then eventually they will attack.”

So what are some practical steps for finding a lasting love?  Click below for more of the Pastors’ thoughts on the search for that special person.

The pastors have seen shared faith and family values build a satisfying romance. “We can ignore some of these closely held beliefs out of desperation,” cautions Pastor Bill, who adds that how your partner manages anger and even the way the man treats his mother should be observed and considered.

Among the most important assessments is whether the person you’re with can be a true friend. Pastor Bill believes your S.O. should be “somebody that makes you better, somebody that listens to you, and pays attention to your needs and brings you comfort and brings you clarity and wisdom -- your biggest fan.”

This is more than just ‘hanging-out’ warns Pastor Josey. She wants you to choose “someone that you feel wants the best for you and that you feel stronger when you’re with them.”

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