Colton Dixon wonders how the stars align in his new beat-driven single. Simply titled “Miracles,” the vibrant track finds the former “American Idol” finalist in awe of all the divine ways life unfolds. “Some things are more than coincidence. I believe there is a God who loves you and is looking out for you. I’m pointing out to others that there’s more to life than meets the eye,” the singer shares. “I believe miracles happen all around us. I’d like to encourage all of us to slow down a bit, so we can see and appreciate the miracles for what they are.”
As a parent of three teens, I deal with a household of people who are always trying to make their own plans without consulting me. There are days where I don’t know when I will see my 18-year-old. My 14-year-old will tell me she’s talked with me about plans (and she may have) but springs reminders at the last minute. And my 16-year-old has his own needs, too.
As a loving father, I want to listen to my children, and help them with their plans, keeping them safe, giving wisdom where needed, and guiding them according to God’s word. I can only do so much. If difficult circumstances were to come up, I can’t always “save” them, no matter how much I love them.
RELATED STORY: Colton Dixon in Awe of Life's "Miracles" in New Song
But that’s not the case with God. In the behind-the-scenes video for the song Miracles, Colton Dixon says, “I feel like I know the truth, and that there’s a master plan behind it all.”
As Christians, we know the Bible confirms this. God isn’t reactionary. He has a plan. God isn’t confused about what needs to happen. He doesn’t wonder what the best solution is in each situation. And when we have need for those daily miracles of His faithfulness, He can always show up with the help we need.
RELATED STORY: Colton Dixon Discusses Mainstream Opportunities, Fatherhood with Twin Girls and Everyday Miracles
Colton says, “Some people think miracles are these big supernatural things, but I think they can be in the little things as well.”
God’s daily faithfulness, especially in the small things, creates an atmosphere of love and watchfulness that we sometimes take for granted. There are little miracles, every day, and they stand as evidence of God’s good mercies at work in our lives.
“You can say the stars align but
I know that it’s more than timing”
The world may not understand, but for us, as Christians, this is the source of our peace. We know we don’t deserve His love like this, but God has glorified Himself in loving us, even when we may not feel loveable, and our plans don’t align with His will.
God loves us enough to draw us back home.
“There’s no doubt when I feel Your love.
Call me crazy, and out of touch,
But I know that it’s from above.“
Digging Deeper:
- Take a few minutes to think through and write down all the small acts of faithfulness God has shown you recently. Give Him praise and thanks for His good love, and perfect timing.
- Think about someone who God can bless through you. How can you show God’s love to them this week?